Image data management, processsing & distribution
Manufacturers & integrators
We work with sensor manufacturers, and integrators of satellite and drone systems, to ensure their technology can generate the best possible image data.
By integrating new sensors with our products we can deliver a range of enterprise data processing and management solutions – directly onto the customer’s choice of real or virtual infrastructure (Keystone), or as a highly scalable SaaS (Cloudstone). With our Bluestone product we can also deploy processing onboard the sensor platform to unlock new applications & business models leveraging AI and other analytics. Enabling services include sensor design analysis, sensor data simulation, and in-flight sensor calibration.
Sensor operators
We deliver proven capabilities for data management and high quality image product generation to help sensor operators reach their business goals.
We can help with new sensor procurement, providing technical analysis, simulating realistic sensor data, and carrying out sensor calibration using real in-flight data. We configure our software for the new data source and give the operator access to all our tools for data processing, management, workflow automation and product delivery.
System deployment options include standalone systems and installation on corporate IT infrastructure (Keystone), or delivery as a SaaS (Cloudstone). We can also help with access to opportunities from onboard data processing with our Bluestone product.
Data distribution hubs
Our data hub solutions enable data providers to give their customers cost-effective and efficient access to multi-source imagery.
Support for a wide range of public and commercial satellite data is already available in our software, while new sensors can easily be added. Diverse use cases can be supported giving customers exactly the products they need thanks to a high level of in-built flexibility in the data delivery capabilities. This includes full control over product coordinate systems, data subsetting, formatting, and data fusion, ensuring quality products suited for AI and other analytics.
Data hub solutions can be deployed on the data distributor’s own choice of IT infrastructure (Keystone), or as a Cloudstone SaaS.
High-volume data users
Data wrangling is a big time suck for large users of data. With workflow automation, our technology streamlines processes and reduces costs in large mapping projects, monitoring operations and AI-driven applications.
We reduce the need for significant manual work to make the right data available to analytics processes that otherwise can be costly and error prone. A Cloudstone SaaS can be deployed and scaled quickly for projects, while Keystone can provide a persistent capability hosted on the client’s choice of infrstructure. Both offer pre-existing support for dozens of public and commercial satellite data sources, while new and custom sensors can readily be integrated through adapters.

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